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You weren't meant to do life alone. Bridgepoint's various ministries allow you to connect with new and familiar faces outside of a Sunday service, while also growing in your faith, living out God's Word, and serving alongside a lively group of fellow believers in the church and around the world.


Whether it's a Life Group or a Wednesday-night Bible study, we have something for all ages here. Browse around, dig deeper, and find where God is leading you!


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Men's Ministry

At Bridgepoint, our aim is to connect guys of all ages to God and to others, with the result of a life lived boldly for God’s purposes. Through special events, healthy small groups, and dynamic serving opportunities that launch faith into action, we hope to ignite a passion for Christ and the Great Commission in the heart of every man.




Women's Ministry

Whether in faith-building small groups or connecting outside the church through fun and funky events, Bridgepoint's Women's Ministry and our Ladies' Social Community (A Common Thread) are all about real daughters of Christ living in today’s world who desire to connect to one another, grow in God’s word and serve our church body and community. We welcome all women, in all stages of life, to join us as we walk together on the path God has for each of us. Our hope is that every woman will feel welcomed and valued as they experience the amazing love of Christ that changes lives! Get in touch to check out our current studies and special events. 

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Volunteer Ministry

No matter your spiritual gift, what talents God has blessed you with, or where God is leading your heart, there is a place for you to serve at Bridgepoint and within the community. Are you creative? Technical? An enthusiastic people-person? Do you have the heart of a servant? We have a place for you.

Young Adult Ministry

​If you’re between the ages of 18-30, maybe you need connection and community. Tuesday nights could be the place for you! Whether you just graduated high school, are currently attending college, or a young professional in the labor force, all are welcome to come and check our young adults ministry. Our goal is to provide a space for young adults to connect and build relationships with others and God. Join us Tuesday nights at 6:00 pm for fellowship, bible study, small groups, food, and fun!

Bridgepoint church

Worship Services - 9:15 & 11am

Nursery - 9:15am & 11am

Student Groups & All Ages Children's Ministry - 11am      


(208) 336-7970

2530 S. Broadway Ave.

Boise, ID 83706




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@2024 by Bridgepoint Church

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