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"Even so the body is not made up of one part but of many." - 2 Corinthians 12:14
The church is so much more than a place, a dot on a street map, or a steepled building. It is us: people who love Jesus, coming together to worship, serve Him, and go back out into the world to share that love with others. As we grow in our faith, prayerfully surrendering to God's perfect plan, our hearts become so in tune with what Jesus is doing around us that He begins to use us to meet the needs of others.
Whether it's holding babies, praying with others, pouring coffee, or leading, it all makes an eternal difference! In this, God weaves a beautiful relationship between both working in us and working through us. In this, God changes us, allowing us to become more and more like Him.
Check out some of our ministry opportunities below, get involved, and see what we mean! Where is God leading you?

Host Team
Our desire is to create a warm environment for our guests and team members to feel comfortable, cared for, and welcome each and every time our doors open. A sincere greeting and a fond farewell are just the start! And while this role includes serving coffee and doughnuts to our guests, there are endless opportunities within the Host Team to take the Bridgepoint guest experience to the next level. Join us as we pray over services, love one another like Jesus, and lead like Him.
Children's Ministry Team
From the littlest tots to curious and wonder-filled elementary students, our kiddos are the next generation of Christ-followers, disciple-makers, and world-changers. Without them, fulfilling the Great Commission is impossible! They need you - and so do we! Teachers, helpers, storytellers, worship leaders - whatever your special skill, as long as you have a passion for little ones and a heart to see them grow, we have a place for you.
Nervous? Don't be! Our skilled ministry leaders will help you every step of the way.

Student Ministry Team
As any parent knows, once your child reaches a certain age, there's no stopping them! With big questions in their hearts and a brimming passion for helping others, High School and Middle School students offer a unique perspective and a truly rewarding environment to serve in. Mentors, teachers, and even food ministry helpers are just a few of the roles you'll find here. The connections you'll make here will last a lifetime!
Worship Arts/Production Team
The Bible says that all creation worships Him, and we love joining with them to do the same! He is truly worthy of our praise! As we strive together to create a genuine and high-quality worship experience on Sundays, you'll find yourself serving alongside passionate and creative individuals with a heart for our Creator. Maybe tech geek-speak is your forte, or maybe you feel led to rock your musicianship for the glory of our Awesome God - whatever your sound, this is one of the best teams to be a part of on Sundays!

Photography/Creative Media Team
Our win is to reveal God's hand in the church by bringing weekly services, special events, classes, community mission work, and the heart of Bridgepoint to life. Together with the marketing team, our photographers and videographers strive to create much-needed buzz around the events we put on throughout the year, as well as entice the lost to see what church is all about. Of course, God truly does all of the heavy lifting here – but our Creative Team plays a major role!
If drones, apertures, and digital editing are some of your favorite hobbies, we want to know!
Leaders/Group Hosts
Bridgepoint's Mid-Week Groups come in all shapes and sizes. From in-depth Bible studies and home-based small groups to enriching classes, our win is to see everyone who comes through our doors leave with a new understanding and passion for God and His Word! But what's a class without a teacher?
Those blessed with the gift of teaching, have a story to tell, or who are willing to open up their homes to host small groups are an invaluable part of Bridgepoint. Unsure if you have what it takes? You do! And you'll find guidance every step of the way.

Additional Serving Opportunities
As a church, we want to be known for our extraordinary generosity toward those in our local community. Whether it's our annual 30 Ways in 30 Days event, volunteering at Trunk or Treat, signing up for a mission trip, or helping out at one of our other special events, we need you!
In fact, we have some great serving opportunities coming up in the fall - including Trunk or Treat and our 30 Ways in 30 Days initiative! Get more info below.
Have an idea for a new ministry or group? Got questions? Need help finding your perfect fit? Drop us a note! God has blessed each of us with unique talents and abilities, and this is just a few of the opportunities we have available to dive into serving at Bridgepoint. There is ALWAYS a place for you here!