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Young Adult Ministry
GATHER Together
GET in Scripture
GIVE Back to God

Our ministry for 18-30 year olds is designed to be a place for community and discipleship. Our goal is to GATHER together regularly. Cultivating real friendships is critical to any healthy community. We do this through our weekly gatherings on Tuesday nights: 6:00 pm dinner. 6:30 pm official start. We also have events, retreats, and service projects throughout the year. We hope everyone feels welcome and valued at our meetings!
Together we GET in Scripture. The Bible is the foundation to our ministry and our lives. Young adults are making significant decisions for their life right now. We strive to let God’s Word help us in those decisions.
We want to GIVE back to the Lord. God has blessed us in so many ways. We give back to Him as we serve and love the people around us. It’s our goal at Bridgepoint Church to change our world for Christ.
We hope to see you join us!
If you have any questions, please contact Jonathan at
Or check us out on instagram!